Le Courrier

About the author

Non-teaching staff to strike to avoid being drafted for Word Youth Day

Church has been appealing repeatedly for ?€?thousands of volunteers?€? which it claims are ?€?still lacking?€?The main trade union representing non-teaching staff in State schools...

Association of Victims of Pedrgo Grande hears there WILL be a ceremony to honour dead

Ten days late, ?€?not an inauguration of memorial?€? ?€? but a ceremony at leastDays after the ?€?disbelief?€? registered by the association of victims of Pedr??g??o...

Martinhal opens luxury hotel and residences in Lisbon

The Martinhal Group has opened a new luxury riverside hotel and residences in the Parque das Na????es area of Lisbon.Martinhal Lisbon Oriente and Martinhal Residences were officially...

